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Ulta & Sephora Makeup Haul and Beauty Review!

I love long romantic walks... down the aisle of my local makeup store... Haha! But seriously it had been a hot minute since I took time to literally just go browse and try some new things plus there was a makeup palate that I had been eyeing online for WEEKS and I knew that one of the stores had it so I had to go check out out in person and fall in love even more.

I decided to capture the experience for you and turn it into a brand new style of a beauty video. This video includes a product haul, a try on of new products, a FULL makeup look AND an update throughout the day on how the new products wore. I hope you all love this video and this style of beauty review. I wanted to provide you all with something new and different and something that I had never done before. So, give it a watch and lemme know what you think!! I would love to hear your thoughts about this video and what else you would like to see in the future!

Slay all day babes, xoxo - Heather

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